Estrategias para la conciencia del proceso artìstico, por El Anatsui


He advocates to his students the following primary strategies for awareness of process and growth of artistic vision in relationship to the opportunity of chance.

- Pull from your personal history for inspiration

- Look for materials to your immediate environment and give them the opportunity to be more than just humble fragments

- Travel when you can and bring all your travel experiences to bear on your work

- Allow for the possibility of something unexpected, new and wonderful to happen


Anatsui’s edict for himself and his students is to derive inspiration and materials from their respective environments. He proves that art material need not be expensive. He urges sensitive mindfulness in order to utilize“whatever the environment throws up” — not simply organic materials and natural resources but also the discarded, over-looked detritus of society such as bottle caps and tin milk cans.


Fuente: Karina Nishi Marcus;  "El Anatsui: ‘On Their Fateful Journey to Nowhere"


Entrevista a El Anatsui

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